
Friday, October 8, 2010

Examination of bone disease Osteoporosis...

Examination of bone disease Osteoporosis
Measuring bone density using a device called a Densitometer X-ray absorptiometry. The tool is there are two types of SXA (Single X-ray Absorptiomety) and DEXA (Dual Energy X-ray absorptiometry).
laboratory examination to determine bone remodeling activity of the examination or CTx Telopeptide C-and N-Mid Osteocalcin. CTx or C-Telopeptide is the result of decomposition of the bones is released into the blood so it can be used to assess the process of bone destruction. While the N-Mid Osteocalcin is a protein fraction that is formed by osteoblasts and plays a role in the process of bone formation.

Management of bone disease Osteoporosis:

  1. Bisphosphonates are used for prevention or treatment of osteoporosis. These drugs reduce fractures.
  2. Teriparatide
  3. Strontium ranelate
  4. Vitamin D and calcium supplements

Osteoporosis Prevention:

  1. Adequate calcium intake
  2. Exposure to UV-B sun rays (morning and afternoon)
  3. Doing exercise with weights
  4. Healthy lifestyle
  5. Avoid certain drugs, corticosteroids,

Osteoporosis female Health Problems ( Osteoporosis )

The risk of osteoporosis in women's health higher than men because, Women are generally smaller bone mass and the process of menopause in women. Bone disease Osteoporosis is often called the 'silent disease' also known as bone loss because bone loss occurs when a complaint is often without meaning. Patients are usually aware of osteoporosis after a severe condition characterized diseases such as body image that retracts / bent or broken a bone. Osteoporosis is a bone disease characterized by reduced bone mass, so that bones become brittle and the risk of fractures increases. In the circumstances Physiological / normal, we also have thinning bones, followed by the formation of new bone cells in the bone loss, whereas the bone disease osteoporosis, excessive bone loss occurs and is not followed the process enough so that the bone formation become thinner and brittle .

Type Osteoporosis
Primary Osteoporosis, Osteoporosis is a type of unknown cause.
Secondary Osteoporosis Osteoporosis is caused by other diseases, such as hyperparathyroidism, Diabetes Mellitus Type 1, Cushing's syndrome, use of drugs in the class of long-term corticosteroids (in patients with asthma), diuretics (in patients with hypertension), anticonvulsants medications, etc. other.

Risk factors of osteoporosis:

  1. Women. The risk of osteoporosis in women higher than men because, generally smaller bone mass and the process of menopause in women.
  2. Age. Increased risk of osteoporosis increases 1-2 times every 10 years of age
  3. Smoking habits and consumption of alcoholic beverages
  4. Asian and Caucasian race are at high risk for developing osteoporosis than African race.
  5. Genetic. History of osteoporosis or fractures in older than; 50 years in the family is also a risk factor for osteoporosis.
  6. Chronic diseases such as diabetes, liver disease, kidney, can increase the risk of osteoporosis.
  7. Intake of calcium and vitamin D are less important risk factor in osteoporosis
  8. The use of drugs such as steroids, anti-seizure drugs (phenobarbital and; Phenytoin), antacids that contain aluminum, methotrexate, cyclosporine A is a risk factor for osteoporosis because it causes the expenditure of calcium from bones in large quantities.

Genesis Osteoporosis In Older Women..

PROCESS normal aging is a process marked by progressive changes in biochemical processes, resulting in abnormalities or changes in the structure and function of tissue, cell and non cell. . Various physical and psychosocial changes will occur as a result of aging process. The occurrence of a change in all people who reach old age is not caused by the disease process, causes why geriatric patients differ from other populations.

Mild memory loss, hearing and vision impairment (presbiakusis and presbyopia) is not a disease. Often it was hard to distinguish between impairment due process that occurs because fisologis with pathological disorders, such as in osteoporosis and atherosclerosis.

Many physiological changes that affect nutritional status occurred in the process of aging such as decreased basal metabolic rate (BMR) of approximately 2% per decade after age 30. Decrease the secretion of hydrochloric acid, pepsin and bile acids that have the potential to interfere with the absorption of calcium, iron, zinc, protein, fat and fat-soluble vitamins.

By decreasing the biological function of cells and organs, the adaptability of these functions to overcome the physical and mental disorders are also declining. With age a marked reduction in symptoms of physical and mental ability of a person, then some pathological conditions may arise due to the aging process. A variety of serious complications can arise due to changes in several organ systems and metabolic functions caused by immobilization. Decubitus, osteoporosis, constipation, weakness and psychological changes are some complications due to immobilization.

Osteoporosis can be grouped according to etiology of primary osteoporosis and secondary osteoporosis. Primary osteoporosis is occurring in postmenopausal women because of the aging process. While osteoporosis is secondary osteoporosis caused by many things, among others, by endocrine disorders, impaired liver function, kidney, vitamin D deficiency, hematological disorders, gastrointestinal disorders and various kinds of drugs. Secondary osteoporosis is one of the most common cause is a glucocorticoid. It is caused by glucocorticoids can affect the production of prostaglandin E, synthesis of insulin-like growth factor, 1 (IGF-1) and transforming growth factor (TGF).

Immobilization would also lead to a negative calcium balance, which is a manifestation of increased excretion of calcium in feces and urine. This change is associated with increased bone reabsorption secondary to lying down and less absorption in the intestine. 1.25 dihydroxyvitamin D serum levels are also reduced. During immobilization paratyroid hormone will increase along with levels of alkaline phosphatase during remobilisasi along with an increase in calcium reabsorption.

In adults approximately half of alkaline phospatase obtained from the bone and the other half of the liver. In osteoporosis phospahatase alkaline activity in the bone is usually increased. In early menopause, bone turnover (formation or resorption) increased by approximately 2-fold and continued to increase for several years, then began to decline.

Osteoporosis is a state of reduced bone mass in such a way that only with minimal trauma to the bone will break. Osteoporosis will eliminate the elasticity of bones to become brittle and easily occur causing fractures (fractures).

Classification of Osteoporosis...

Primary Osteoporosis

Primary Osteoporosis often affects postmenopausal women and also in older men with an unknown cause.
 Secondary Osteoporosis

While secondary osteoporosis caused by diseases associated with:

* Cushing's disease
* Hyperthyroidism
* Hyperparathyroidism
* Hypogonadism
* Liver Disorders
* Chronic renal failure
* Lack of movement
* Drinking alcohol
* Users obat-obatan/corticosteroid
* Excess caffeine
* Smoking

Epidemiologi ( Osteoporosis )


While an estimated 1 in 3 women and 1 in 12 men over age 50 suffer from osteoporosis worldwide. This adds to the incident millions of other fractures annually, mostly involving the lumbar vertebrae, pelvis and wrist (wrist). Fragility fractures of ribs are also common in men.

Pelvic fractures most often occur due to osteoporosis. In the U.S., more than 250,000 hip fractures annually are the result of osteoporosis. [3] It is estimated that a white woman aged 50 years and has a 17.5% lifetime risk of proximal femoral fracture. The incidence of hip fractures increases each decade from sequence to sequence to 9 6 to be good for women and men in all populations. The highest incidence was found in men and women aged 80 years and over.

Between 35-50% of all women aged above 50 years suffer at least one vertebral fracture. In the U.S., 700,000 vertebral fractures occur annually, but only about 1 / 3 are known. In the sequence of events 9704 women aged 68.8 years on the study for 15 years, found 324 women had suffered vertebral fractures when you start to enter into the research, 18.2% developed into a vertebral fracture, but the risk increased to 41.4% in women who previously occurred vertebral fractures.

In the U.S., 250,000 wrist fractures each year are the result of osteoporosis.  wrist fractures are the third most common type of fracture from osteoporosis. Life time risk of fracture sustained COLLES around 16% for white women. When a woman reaches the age of 70 years, approximately 20% of them contained at least one wrist fracture

Fragility fractures of the ribs generally occurs in men age 25 and over. The signs of osteoporosis in men is often overlooked because it is often physically active and suffered a fracture at the time of practice of physical activity. For example when falling while water skiing or jet skiing. However, rapid tests of individual testosterone levels following fracture diagnosis would seem easy if the individual the possibility of risk.

Osteoporosis Treatment...

The aim of treatment is to increase bone density. All women, especially those suffering from osteoporosis, should take calcium and vitamin D in sufficient quantities.

Postmenopausal women with osteoporosis can also get estrogen (usually together with progesterone) or alendronat, which can slow or stop the disease. Bisphosphonates are also used to treat osteoporosis.

Alendronat function:

* Reducing the rate of bone absorption in postmenopausal women
* Increase the bone mass in the spine and pelvis
* Reduce the incidence of fractures.

To be well absorbed, alendronat must be taken with a full glass of water in the morning and within 30 minutes afterwards should not eat or drink another. Alendronat can irritate the upper gastrointestinal tract lining, so that after drinking it should not be lying down, at least 30 minutes afterward. This drug should not be given to those who have difficulty swallowing or esophageal and gastric disease specific.

Calcitonin is recommended to be given to people who suffer from vertebral fractures that are accompanied by pain. This drug can be given in the form of an injection or nasal spray.

Additional fluoride can increase bone density. But bone abnormalities may develop and become brittle, so its use is not recommended.

Men who suffer from osteoporosis usually get extra calcium and vitamin D, especially if the results showed that the body does not absorb calcium in sufficient quantities. If low testosterone levels, can be given testosterone.

Fractures due to osteoporosis should be treated. Hip fracture is usually treated with surgery. Wrist fractures are usually repaired with a cast or surgery. On the collapse of the spine accompanied by severe back pain, given pain medication, supportive back brace fitted and physical therapy.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Disease Prevention & Treatment of Osteoporosis....

Osteoporosis is the loss of bone tissue that lead to disability and brittle bones. In osteoporosis the bones literally waste away as their mineral density is gradually lost, making them increasingly weak and fragile. This is a common cause of fractures in the elderly. Thinning of the bones causes increased risk of fractures, especially of the lumbar vertebrae, wrist, hip, shoulder and femur, or thigh bone. It is possible to prevent and treat osteoporosis. However, you must take action.

It is estimated that 1 out of 3 women and 1 in 12 men over the age of 50 years worldwide have osteoporosis. To appreciate who is at risk of osteoporosis, consider the following factors associated with the disease.

Older age of Caucasian or Asian race low levels of estrogen (for women), low levels of testosterone (for men) Early menopause - before 45 years (either natural or surgical) in young women, then menstruation and menstruation has stopped for more than six months of family history of hip replacement low weight and thin to build a small loss of height or stooped posture, backache Less Unexplained sports as a child now or long-term Disabilities Sports excessive smoking breaks fractures Previous long-term treatment, including:

Causes of Osteoporosis and Osteoporosis Risk Factors ...

Actually, what causes osteoporosis? Here are some of the causes of osteoporosis:

1. Postmenopausal osteoporosis occurs because of lack of estrogen (the main hormone in women), who helped organize the transport of calcium into bone in women.

Symptoms usually occur in women aged between 51-75 years old, but could start to appear faster or slower.

Not all women have the same risk for postmenopausal osteoporosis, a white woman and eastern regions suffering from the disease is easier than black women.

2. Senile osteoporosis is probably a result of calcium deficiency related to age and speed of the imbalance between bone destruction and new bone formation.

Senilis mean that this only occurs in the elderly. This disease usually occurs at ages above 70 years and two times more likely to attack women. Women often suffer from senile osteoporosis and postmenopausal.

3. Secondary osteoporosis experienced by less than 5% of people with osteoporosis, which is caused by another medical condition or by medication.

Osteoporosis can be caused by chronic renal failure and hormonal disorders (especially thyroid, parathyroid and adrenal) and drugs (eg corticosteroids, barbiturates, anti-seizure and excessive thyroid hormone).

Excessive alcohol consumption and smoking can aggravate the condition of osteoporosis.

4. Idiopathic juvenile osteoporosis is a cause of osteoporosis is unknown.

This occurs in children and young adults who have high blood levels and normal hormone function, normal levels of vitamins and has no obvious cause of bone fragility.
